Aug 20, 2020 | Tanya Dunford | 801 views
Update on the 2020/21 Season
Information about the 2020/21 season has been forwarded to all Association's and we're working hard to read through the materials and plan our season in the midst of a global pandemic.
Hockey this year will look very different. Here's what we know for sure:
- There will be no Rep hockey this season. That means no tryouts. Centre's can tier their teams - so the A team would be Rep caliber players, and the B team would be made up of Local League players and we would play other Centre's A and B teams accordingly.
- We are not able to accept transfers of players who did not play with us last year. You must sign up in your Home Centre, or in the Centre where you played hockey last year. We will be reaching out to players who registered with us this year, but played in another Centre last year if Lakefield is not your Home Centre. Unfortunately, you will now be ineligible to play in Lakefield.
- Teams will be made up of 9 players and a goalie. We will be able to have a "bubble" of 50 players so one team will only play 4 other Association's through the season.
- We can only play other teams within our Public Health Unit area, so not all of the LEO Centre's will be eligible to play with us this year.
When we have more information, we will post it here.