Lakefield Minor Hockey - AGM
Thu Apr 04, 2024, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Marshland Centre, Lakefield
Annual General Meeting
To discuss a matter at the AGM, please forward your motion/question/agenda item to [email protected]
To be respectful of everyone's time, any new business not forwarded to the Secretary prior to the AGM to be added to the agenda will not be discussed.
The following is a list of eligible voters at the AGM:
a. Executive Members;
b. Elected Assistants;
c. Coaches, Managers and Trainers of each team; and
d. Parents or legal guardians of a player registered in the LMHA in the year preceding the AGM.
The order of business for the AGM shall be as follows:
a. Reading of the minutes of the last AGM;
b. Opening Remarks;
c. LEO/OMHA Report;
d. Nomination and vote of Executive Members in accordance with By-law 2;
e. Reading of correspondence pertaining to the AGM;
f. Reading of the Financial Statement;
g. Motions of which notice has been given; and
h. General Business.