Letter from LDMHA Executive, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Apr 28, 2020 | Tanya Dunford | 846 views
Letter from LDMHA Executive
On behalf of the LDMHA Executive, we hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy!!

We are still in uncharted territory with the unfortunate end of last season and the uncertainty as to when the 2020/21 season will begin.


There are neighbouring associations who have opened their registration now and several tournaments are posted for the upcoming season. Funding through Jump Start and Lace Em Up for players should be accepting applications shortly. Although the timing doesn't seem ideal, the current Executive feels that we should start planning for the 2020/21 season if possible. 


Additionally, the current LDMHA Executive wants to provide additional support to our members by changing our 3-pay plan in HCR. LDMHA has added a 5-pay plan for the 2020/21 season which will open on May 1, 2020. The payment schedule will be as follows:


1st payment – The date you register your child.

2nd payment - July 1, 2020

3rd Payment - August 1, 2020

4th Payment - September 1, 2020

5th Payment - October 1, 2020


Any player not paid in full by October 1st will not be rostered to a team. We will not be holding in-person registration this year and Executive members are not able to register players manually. You can pay online by Credit Card only. If you don't have a credit card, please contact Bryan or Tanya to make arrangements for eTransfer. (Player's will NOT be rostered to a team until all payments are made in full)


To stagger the payments over the maximum number of months, it is important to register your child as early as possible. Registration fees will increase by $100 if you do not sign up before July 1st. Payment plans may not be possible if you don't sign up before July 1st. The price that you pay is the base rate for all teams. If your child makes a Representative team, there will be a non-refundable tryout fee and additional fees to accommodate two practices per week for Rep teams. Local League teams practice once per week.


As an Association, we opened the coaching applications on April 20th, and we are considering alternatives for the Annual General Meeting to form a new Executive.


We ask that everyone patiently await further information regarding this process. In the meantime, we encourage you to sign your child up to take advantage of the 5-pay plan and apply for funding as soon as possible.


Please stay tuned to our website for further details and stay safe.


LDMHA Executive

