Courses for Coaches, Trainers and Parents/Guardians of Players, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Oct 26, 2020 | Tanya Dunford | 2423 views
Courses for Coaches, Trainers and Parents/Guardians of Players
It's never too early to get ready for next season!

To be rostered to a team or to a bench, you and/or parents and guardians must have proper qualifications and take mandatory courses per OMHA rules. (To go directly to the page you need, click on the links below)

Parents / Guardians
All parents/guardians of players must take the Respect in Sport - Parent course and link their child to their account. This is all explained in the following link: 
Respect in Sport - Parent
If you haven't registered a player in hockey before, you'll need to do that before you take the course. If you're registering a player for the first time, you will also need to forward a copy or photo of your player's birth certificate to the OMHA Rep, Tanya Dunford. OMHA will not approve a roster without a birth certificate on file for each player.

NEW for the 2020/21 Season - Free 
All bench staff must complete the Planning a Safe Return to Hockey Course. 

Head Coach / Assistant Coach - U7 (IP), U8 (MN) and U9 (NO)
To be rostered as Head Coach or Assistant Coach in the following divisions:

Coach 1
HU Online Course
Gender Identity
Planning a Safe Return to Hockey 
Respect in Sport - Leader
Once you register for the Gender Identity course, you need to go to and login with your eHockey credentials to complete the modules. 

Head Coach / Assistant Coach - U11 (AT) through to U21 (JU)

To be rostered as Head Coach or Assistant Coach in the following divisions:

Coach 2 or Coach Development 1 (D1) 
Gender Identity
Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
Respect in Sport - Leader 
(We recommend you take the D1 course, NOT the C2 as D1 is required for Rep hockey above U11 (AT) but can also be used for LL teams U11 (AT) and above)
If you do take the C2 course, you also need to complete the HU Online Course
Once you register for the Gender Identity course, you need to go to and login with your eHockey credentials to complete the modules. 

Trainers / Assistant Trainers

To be rostered as a Trainer or Assistant Trainer you must take:

HTCP Level 1 Course
Gender Identity
Planning a Safe Return to Hockey 
Respect in Sport - Leader
Once you register for the Gender Identity course, you need to go to and login with your eHockey credentials to complete the modules. 

Trainers and Assistant Trainers
who have had their qualifications expire must take:
HTCP Level 1 Refresher

do not need to be rostered, but if you want to go on the bench, you need:
Gender Identity
Respect in Sport - Leader
Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
Once you register for the Gender Identity course, you need to go to and login with your eHockey credentials to complete the modules. 

Once you're qualified, contact Tanya (705-760-4533) so she can roster you to a team*.
*Approval of the Head Coach is required to be rostered 
*You may not go on the bench or sign a game sheet until you're approved by OMHA and rostered
*Players will be rostered once the Respect in Sport - Parent course is complete and a birth certificate is received. 

IP - Initiation Program (U7)
MN - Minor Novice (U8)
NO - Novice (U9)
AT - Atom (U11)
PW - Peewee (U13)
BT - Bantam (U15)
MD - Midget (U18)
JU - Juvenile (U21)
Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!