Jul 17, 2019 | Tanya Dunford | 1079 views
NOTICE of Amendment to By-law
The OMHA requires all Minor Hockey Associations to have a procedure in place for the movement of players to a higher division.
To comply with OMHA requirements, Lakefield Minor Hockey has made an amendment to Section II, Article 3 of its by-laws.
The new section states:
3. To be eligible to play in a higher division on a Rep or Local League hockey team in the Novice to Juvenile divisions, players shall attend all scheduled tryouts and, in the opinion of the Head Coach and tryout evaluators, and in consultation with the Executive, the player must be considered one of the top three players on the team. If moving an underage player up a division will impact the division that the player is leaving such that a team can no longer be rostered in the lower division, then the player shall not be moved to the higher division. Player movement in the IP and Minor Novice divisions shall be determined in consultation with the Head Coach and the Executive and, if applicable, with the League of Eastern Ontario and the OMHA.