Third-Party Instructors (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

PrintThird-Party Instructors
Third-Party Instructors are required to be rostered whenever they plan to be on or off-ice with an Association's players.

Before registering, Instructors must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check from their local police service and upload it to the OHF Third-Party Instructor Screening Submission Portal.

The Respect in Sport-Leader and Gender Identity courses must be completed as well. (RIS-L is $30 and GI is free)

Once all the courses are complete and the VSC is obtained, the Third-Party Instructor must register as an OHF Third-Party Instructor and pay for Hockey Canada Insurance. ($50 fee to register)

Lakefield Minor Hockey will then roster the Instructor to remain compliant with OHF and OMHA guidelines.

If you are an instructor who has any questions or concerns pertaining to the OHF Centralized Screening Process, please email [email protected]

This is not something that Lakefield Minor Hockey staff can address with Instructors.