Lakefield Minor Hockey is hosting a Ball Hockey League in Lakefield at the arena from August 6th to September 6th!* (*Start and end dates may have to change depending on Township)
Players aged 4 to 15 are eligible to register to play. (If you will be 4 or 15 by December 31st, 2024)
Games will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings. (Players will be on the floor twice per week!)
Cost per player is $75.
The goal of this fun league is to prepare players for the upcoming hockey season by teaching hockey skills while working on stamina and endurance. It's also a really fun way to end the summer holiday and get back to hockey-like games with your teammates!
Please register right away if you're interested in signing up your player.
Payment can be made by sending an eTransfer to [email protected]. Use ball2024 as the password and indicate your players names in the transfer so we can apply the payment properly.