2024/25 Season Survey (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

2024/25 Season Survey
Please share your thoughts with us so that we can organize the 2025/26 season! Your responses are confidential, and no personal information will be collected or requested.

Player Information

If you have more than one child in Lakefield Minor Hockey, please complete one survey for each player. Only sections marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Not every question requires an answer if you wish to skip any section.

Consider the following statement regarding your child's Head Coach and select an appropriate response.

Information about your team's Head Coach.

Information about your team's Trainer

Information about your team's Assistant Coach

Information about your team's Assistant Trainer

Information about your team's Manager

Information about your team's Second Manager

Rate your satisfaction with.....


Please provide feedback on the following

Executive Committee

Please leave comments regarding your Executive Committee. Fields in this section are not mandatory.

Lakefield Minor Hockey - AGM

Please tell us if you'll be attending the 2024/25 Annual General Meeting.