AGM Elections, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Apr 01, 2023 | Tanya Dunford | 739 views
AGM Elections
The Executive has approved changes to the Bylaw this season that makes every position up for election at the AGM this year.

This means that the Treasurer and OMHA/Registrar position is also open for nominations.

The list of nominees for this years AGM is:

President: Miguel Hernandez Paz
Vice President: Dylan Beggs and Adam Jones
Secretary: Rebecca Padgett and Steph Kerslake
Treasurer: Jackie Dignam
Scheduler: Nicole Conroy
OMHA Rep Registrar: Tanya Dunford
Sponsorship Director: Rodney Wilson
Fundraising Director: Stephanie Armstrong
Publicity Director: Rejeanne Martin

Bill Dummitt and Jim Wilford are life members and they're part of every Executive moving forward.

If you're interested in adding your name to the list of nominees, please contact us at [email protected]
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