First Meeting of the New Executive, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Apr 25, 2022 | Tanya Dunford | 832 views
First Meeting of the New Executive
The first meeting of the new Executive was held tonight.


Equipment Committee
: Jessica Taylor
Jessica will be responsible for replacing jerseys for 2 of our teams this season and organizing socks for the start of the season.

Coaching Committee: Tanya Dunford
Tanya will be responsible for coaching applications, interviews and qualifications prior to being rostered.

Convenor Committee: Breanna Knott
Brea will be the Convenor Chair for the 2022/23 season. Any issues that can't be worked out with your team's coach can be brought to Brea's attention for resolution.

Trophies/Awards: Bill Dummitt
Bill will make sure we have our trophies and awards up to date or purchased for any tournaments and year-end awards.

Tournament Committee: Shawn Taylor
Shawn will be in charge of organizing the Memorial Classic Tournament for U13/15/18 and Tanya will assist all teams by forwarding tournament and jamboree details that may be of interest.

Sponsorship/Fundraising Committee: Katie Jessup and John Stabler 
Katie is back again for this season to help with sponsorship and fundraising and John has signed up to assist with fundraising.

Communications/Publicity Committee: Tanya Dunford
Tanya will update the website and create the popular score posts for our social media pages again this year.


The season will open on HCR on May 1st, 2022. Early bird pricing will be in effect until July 1st, 2022 and the price will increase by $100 after this date if you register late.
The registration costs will increase by $25 for U9 and above this season to compensate for the loss of a gate. The Executive will revisit this increase based on any OMHA rule changes this year.
Registration will be online and we also plan to hold an in-person registration during a Lakefield Minor Softball weekend. Keep an eye on our website for details.


The application for coaches this year will open on May 1st. Coaching interviews will take place by Zoom. Interviews will take place the 3rd week of May.


The Association created a new Committee this year - Special Events Committee. Jessica Taylor will be the lead in this brand new position and a year-end event will be planned along with other events to get our players and the community involved. The exciting "Puck Drop" event that we were planning for 2020 will be planned this season (COVID restrictions permitting) and we will have more information over the next few months. **You won't want to miss this event!**


The Executive will meet again on July 25th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Marshland Centre. We're not taking the summer off (there's no break from hockey for volunteers) but we've decided that we're much too busy organizing hockey to stop and talk about organizing hockey. If you're hoping to attend a meeting, come out on July 25th!

If you want the payment plan this season, sign up in May! The earlier you register, the more payment options you have, plus it helps us secure enough ice for the season.

Have a great summer!

Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!