Apr 15, 2022 | Tanya Dunford | 771 views
News from the AGM
The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, April 13th.
Positions filled
Bryan Kingdon was reelected to the position of Vice President.
Jessica Taylor was reelected to the position of Scheduler.
Shawn Taylor and Tanya Dunford remain in their current roles as they were not up for election this year.
There were no changes to the position of Secretary or Treasurer.
Changes to the Constitution or Bylaws
The Quorum language was removed from the Constitution section and will move to the Bylaws to allow for an amendment at a later date. The quorum rules of 50% plus one for voting remain in effect until the language is clearer for future executive members.
The date of the AGM in the Constitution was changed to the second Monday in April unless that day is Easter Monday, then the AGM will be held on the second Tuesday.
AGM Attendance
We had no attendees at the AGM this year. The only individuals present were:
Shawn Taylor - President
Bryan Kingdon - Vice President
Jessica Taylor - Scheduler
Tanya Dunford - LEO/OMHA Contact & Registrar
Bill Dummitt - Life Member
Jim Wilford - Life Member
Regrets were sent to the Executive by:
Breanna Knott - Secretary
Julie Galbraith - Treasurer
Bryan McDermott - Past President
First Meeting of the Executive
The first meeting of the Executive following the AGM will be Monday, April 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the Marshland Centre. Anyone interested in joining a Committee should forward their interest to the President for nomination at the first meeting or attend the first meeting in person. We have received interest from an individual for the Fundraising Committee and they will be nominated on the 25th. Registration for the 2022/23 season is set to open on May 1st, 2022.
Committee Positions Available
Equipment Committee: The Executive plans to begin replacing the jerseys in the Association. The Chair of this committee will be responsible for ensuring that teams receive clean jerseys for the year and collects the jerseys at the end of the season. May also be responsible for ordering socks and on-ice equipment. Is responsible for the equipment room and signing out and ensuring the return of any LDMHA hockey equipment.
Coaching Committee: Responsible for interviewing head coaches prior to the start of the season. Available to assist coaches with practice plans or rules.
Convenor Committee: Convenors are responsible for handling complaints or issues with teams or individuals. Acts as a liaison for players, parents, executive members and all coaching staff.
Trophies and Awards Committee: Maintains the trophy cabinet, purchases trophies and awards required by LDMHA during the year, ensures that all engraving is completed annually and provides the arena staff with any banners to be hung in the arena.
Sponsorship and Fundraising Committee: Obtains sponsorship funds and donations from companies or individuals to raise money for LDMHA. Organizes community events or fundraisers to raise funds for the Association. May require the Chair to file applications to obtain provincial or local government permits and licenses. Ensures the Communications and Publicity Chair has a current list of sponsors and donors for advertising on social media and website.
Tournament Chair: Working closely with the OMHA Contact and the Awards Committee Chair, the Tournament Chair organizes and hosts tournaments in Lakefield. The tournament chair should also monitor tournaments and jamborees on the OMHA tournament website and recommend tournaments to the head coach of all teams in Lakefield.
Constitution Review Chair: Reviews the constitution and makes recommendations for changes as necessary. Monitors the constitution and bylaws to ensure compliance.
Communications and Publicity Chair: Updates the website and social media pages of LDMHA. Organize and lead the initial meeting of coaches and volunteers prior to the start of the season. Promotes Lakefield teams by acknowledging games throughout the season.