Jan 28, 2022 | Tanya Dunford | 764 views
Arena Rules in Lakefield
This list is from the township.
Please remember during this phase:
- Doors will be opened 30 minutes prior to your rental period and locked at the start of the rental or when the COVID rep confirms that everyone has arrived.
- COVID reps for home and visiting teams must check all POV for their participants and spectators with the provincial QR Code scanning app prior to entrance.
- Younger participants should come fully dressed whenever possible.
- Designated entrances and exits must be used by all participants and spectators.
- No outside food allowed. Spectators may have beverages in personal containers while seated only due to masking requirements!
- Masks must be worn by spectators at all other times.
- Participants need to wear their masks when not on ice surface/bench.
- All participants must vacate their changerooms as soon as your rental ends.
- There is a 2 spectator per participant limit, at this time.