NOTICE to U15 Players and Families, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Sep 21, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 781 views
NOTICE to U15 Players and Families
Tonight, an email was sent to players registered in our U15 division.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to have a U15 (Bantam) division this season and we have notified families.

If you did not receive an email and you are signed up in the U15 division, please contact [email protected].

Players who have indicated that they want a 3.5 to go to another Centre can also send an email to make that request.

If you don't want to play Rep hockey but want to remain in the U15 division, you are free to play Local League hockey in any other Centre.

If you still want to play in Lakefield, please contact our president at: [email protected] about eligibility to play on our U18 team.
Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!