TRYOUTS, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Aug 31, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 505 views
Lakefield will be holding tryouts in all divisions. 

If we don't have enough players to have a Rep team in a specific division, a 3.5 will be issued to tryout in your next closest Centre.

Players who do not indicate an intention to tryout, or attend a scheduled tryout are NOT eligible to receive a 3.5.

To prepare for tryouts, please email [email protected] with your player's name and division and tell us if you want to tryout for Rep hockey or not.

Your intention to tryout in writing will make you eligible for a 3.5 and will allow us to determine ice time required for tryouts.

U7 and U8 players are not able to tryout but a U8 player may tryout for U9.
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