Mar 29, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 848 views
LDMHA - AGM Results
The Annual General Meeting was held tonight and a new Executive has been elected.
President - Shawn Taylor (2 years)
Vice President - Bryan Kingdon (1 year)
Secretary - Jessica Taylor (2 years)
Treasurer - Julie Galbraith (1 year)
Scheduler - Tara Coons (2 years)
LEO/OMHA Contact - Tanya Dunford (2 years)
Bryan McDermott remains as Past President.
Jim Wilford and Bill Dummitt remain as Lifetime Members.
Thank you to Bryan McDermott for acting as President for the past 2 years and to Shauna Voigtlander for all the work you've done as Treasurer of our Association for the past 5 years. Thank you also to Greg Collins for volunteering as Secretary for the past year.
The motion brought by Tanya Dunford passed unanimously. The Registar position has been eliminated and the responsibilities of the position have been added to the LEO/OMHA Contact.
Bryan McDermott also brought a motion to change the by-law to add "public emergency" as a reason to postpone the AGM. This motion also passed unanimously.
There are Committee positions available and they will be filled at the first meeting of the new Executive. The date and time of that meeting will be posted soon.
Congratulations to the new Executive of Lakefield Minor Hockey. We look forward to planning a fun hockey season for 2021/22.