LDMHA - Annual General Meeting, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Mar 25, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 1354 views
LDMHA - Annual General Meeting
Lakefield Minor Hockey will be hosting the AGM on Monday, March 29th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

You are encouraged to login 15 minutes prior to the meeting so the host can check everyone in and determine eligibility before the meeting starts.

Given the current COVID restrictions, the meeting will be held by Zoom only. To join the meeting please click the link below. You can also call in on your phone, but a local number is not available, and you may incur long distance fees.

The link below does not require you to download the Zoom App and you will be able to join on your computer or phone by clicking the link. Please ensure that you grant access permission for the app to use your microphone so you can state your name or ask questions during the meeting.
The Zoom Login information to join is:



Meeting ID: 867 7093 9492
Passcode: 683573

One tap mobile
+15873281099,,86770939492#,,,,*683573# Canada
+16473744685,,86770939492#,,,,*683573# Canada 

Dial by your location
        +1 647 374 4685 Canada
        +1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 867 7093 9492
Passcode: 683573

Once you enter the meeting, you must be prepared to identify yourself so the host can change your name and determine your eligibility to vote. If you get disconnected at any time, you can click the link to rejoin. Anyone who does not indicate their name will be removed from the meeting. Please review our by-laws to review voting eligibility at the AGM. All parents and guardians of players and all volunteers including bench staff, committee members and the current executive are eligible to vote.

If you have any agenda items that you would like discussed at the meeting, please send the information by email to [email protected]. If you want to bring a motion at the AGM, you must give notice prior to the meeting. The AGM will follow the same template as in previous years: 
  1. The President will open the meeting with the President's Address. 
  2. Correspondence pertaining to the AGM that has been received will be read and discussed, if required. 
  3. The Treasurer will give a report on the finances of the Association.
  4. Reports from Committees will be discussed, if any.
  5. The Constitution will be reviewed and any motions to amend will be discussed and voted on.
  6. General business will be discussed if any member wishes to bring a matter forward at the AGM.
  7. Election of the new Executive will be held.

There is currently one motion for consideration under Constitution Review:
Mover:Tanya Dunford
Motion:To add the responsibilities of Registrar to the LEO/OMHA Rep position and eliminate the Registrar position from the Executive.
Discussion for and against the motion will take place during the AGM.

The current candidates running for election are:
President: Shawn Taylor 
(Currently held by Bryan McDermott)
Vice President: Bryan Kingdon 
(Currently held by Shawn Taylor)
Secretary: Jessica Taylor 
(Currently held by Greg Collins)
Treasurer: Greg Collins and Julie Galbraith
(Currently held by Shauna Voigtlander)
Scheduler: Tara Coons 
(Currently held by Tara)
LEO/OMHA Rep: Tanya Dunford 
(Currently held by Tanya)
Registrar: Vacant 
(Currently Vacant)
If you would like to put your name forward for nomination to any Executive position at the AGM, please send your information to [email protected]. Your name will be added to the information above and posted publicly prior to the meeting.

If you would like to nominate someone you think would be a great addition to the executive, please seek their permission to put their name forward, send us an email with their name and the position they're being nominated to and ensure they're present at the AGM to accept the nomination. 

For any questions about the AGM, the responsibilities or "job description" of each executive position, please review our by-law or contact Tanya at [email protected]
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