REFUNDS, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Mar 15, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 916 views
The Association has calculated final costs for the 2020/21 Season.

Refunds for each player per division are as follows:

U7 Refunds: $225 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $300)

U8 Refunds: $250 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $325)

U9 Refunds: $350 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $375)

U11 Tier 1 Refunds: $225 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $550)

U11 Tier 2 Refunds: $400 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $375)

U13 Tier 1 Refunds: $275 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $500)

U13 Tier 2 Refunds: $325 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $450)

U15 Refunds: $350 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $425)

U18 Refunds: $375 (Actual registration for 2020/21 $325)

Please send an email to [email protected] with your player's name and email for the etransfer to be sent to. Players who can't accept eTransfers may request a cheque. 

Your refund may be applied to next season if you'd prefer. Please make your request in writing as registration for next season is not open yet. 

If you have any questions about your division's refund, please contact Tanya at [email protected].
Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!