2020/21 Season Survey, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Mar 05, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 758 views
2020/21 Season Survey
The 2020/21 Season Survey is now live on our website. We know it wasn't a normal season, but we definitely want to know what you liked, or didn't like. Who you would recommend again (or not) and if you have any ideas you want to share with the Executive.

The survey is open until March 31st. No personal information is requested if you want to be brutally honest and remain confidential.

Not every question requires an answer. Only questions with an asterisk * require an answer.

Thanks for your input and for sharing your thoughts with Lakefield Minor Hockey!
Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!