Peterborough County Moves to Red - Control, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Mar 05, 2021 | Tanya Dunford | 1189 views
Peterborough County Moves to Red - Control
Today we received information that Peterborough County was moving to the RED - Control zone.

The move to the red zone begins on Monday, March 8th and for that reason, Lakefield Minor Hockey is ending its 2020/21 season effective Monday, March 8th as well.

This has been an extremely challenging season and we want to thank everyone who did their best to try to provide some form of hockey to our players. 

The games and practices scheduled until the end of the day Sunday, March 7th will still go ahead. There are still games tonight and tomorrow and the calendar is being cleared where ice time will be cancelled.

If there are teams that still want ice, please contact the arena to book ice time privately. Players and staff on a roster are insured until August 31st, but Lakefield will not be proceeding with programming after March 7th.

We will be providing information to teams as soon as possible about partial refunds for the past season and announce our upcoming AGM. We will also release a revised, year-end survey to get your feedback on this past season and the upcoming season, so please keep an eye on our website because for the Executive and for parents, hockey never really ends. 

Have a great final weekend of hockey, stay safe and healthy and we hope to see you again in the fall.

Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!