COVID-19 Response Framework, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Nov 20, 2020 | Tanya Dunford | 720 views
COVID-19 Response Framework
Peterborough County has moved to Yellow (Protect) under the Province's colour coded levels of public health measures.

Moving from GREEN to YELLOW does not change hockey in our area and the rules for each colour coded level are listed below. If we are moved to the RED measure, we will no longer be able to play games and Lakefield Minor Hockey will reach out with more information if necessary. 

PLEASE NOTE: The government's framework is considered the minimum allowed. Municipalities may have stricter rules than what is listed.

Prevent (Standard Measures) - Green
Spectators allowed (50 indoors)
Team or individual sports must be modified to avoid physical contact; 50 people per league
Face coverings required except when exercising

Protect (Strengthened Measures) - Yellow
Spectators allowed (50 indoors)
Team or individual sports must be modified to avoid physical contact; 50 people per league
Require contact information for all patrons and attendance for team sports
Face coverings required except when exercising

Restrict (Intermediate Measures) - Orange
No spectators permitted (exemption for parent and guardian supervisions of children)
Team or individual sports must be modified to avoid physical contact; 50 people per league
Require contact information for all patrons and attendance for team sports
Face coverings required except when exercising

Control (Stringent Measures) - Red
All sports and recreational programs in arenas limited to 10 people per room indoors and 25 outdoors
Team sports must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmages)
No contacte permitted for team or individual sports
No spectators permitted (exeption for parent and guardian supervision of children)
Face coverings required except when exercising
Require contact information for all patrons and attendance for team sports
Require screening of members of the public, including spectators 

Lockdown (Maximum Measures) - Grey
Closure of all indoor facilities, including rinks
Outdoor sports limited to 10 people
Maintain 2 metre physical distancing, unless engaged in sport
Team sports must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmages)
Activities that are liekly to result in individuals coming within 2 metres of each other are not permitted
Indoor individual and team sports (including training) not permitted
Face coverings required except when exercising
Require contact information for all members of the public that enter the facility
Require screening of members of the public, including spectators

Information about the government's COVID-19 Response Framework can be found online.

Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!