Reminder/Amended Rule at Lakefield Arena, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Nov 12, 2020 | Tanya Dunford | 530 views
Reminder/Amended Rule at Lakefield Arena
The Township has forwarded a reminder to Lakefield parents/spectators/players. Please follow the rules they've put in place and be respectful of the proper marked entrances and exits. You may not leave through the main doors. If you are doing this, please stop immediately. 

From the Township:
Please continue to remind the parent reps how important they are for communicating with your participants, spectators and our staff when they enter and exit the arena.

The one thing staff continue to notice in Lakefield is exiting through the main doors for hockey.  Please have your reps and coaches in the lobby at the end of their rental to tell the players to exit by Change Room 5 and spectators out the side doors (ask marked all over the arena). 


You can now bring a drink into the arena if it's in a personal mug ONLY!

Due to the successful first 6 weeks and the coming of cold weather we will modify the operations a little while still abiding by Provincial and Regional Health regulations. 

·         Spectators can bring in beverages in personal mugs only.  No paper or styrofoam cups can be brought into or disposed inside the arena. 

·         There is limited capacity for standing in the lobby based on designated spaces indicated on the signage.

·         Physical distancing, entering and exiting, contact tracing, health self-screening and mask protocol

have not changed at all

Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!