Rep Tryout Registration, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Jul 17, 2019 | Tanya Dunford | 1340 views
Rep Tryout Registration
The Rep tryout schedule is now posted in our calendar.

Registration for tryouts is now open. 

You must sign up for tryouts in your child's age division and pay the $100 tryout fee prior to attending the tryouts. This fee will only be refundable if we don't have a Rep team in your child's division. 

If you plan to tryout in the next highest age division as well, you must complete a second registration online and pay the $100 fee for those tryouts as well.

If you signed up manually through Bryan or Tanya this year, please contact them for tryout payment options, or if you have any other questions. 

If you are required to play Rep hockey in Lakefield and you do not attend our tryouts, you will not be given a 3.5 to play in another Centre.
