2019/20 Coaches, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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May 14, 2019 | Tanya Dunford | 1397 views
2019/20 Coaches
Coaches for the following divisions have been selected:

IP 1 - Darryl Donoghue
IP 2 - Andrew Marshall

Minor Novice 1 - Jason Garbutt
Minor Novice 2 - NA at this time

Novice LL - NA at this time
Novice Rep - Greg Caron

Atom LL - Amanda Warner
Atom Rep - Bryan Kingdon

Peewee LL - NA at this time
Peewee Rep - NA at this time

Bantam LL - Steve Hockaday
Bantam Rep - NA at this time

Midget LL - NA at this time
Midget Rep - NA at this time

Juvenile LL - Bryan McDermott
Juvenile Rep - Dave Morgan

Congratulations to all of the successful coaches. 
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