Coaching Applications Being Accepted, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Apr 01, 2019 | Tanya Dunford | 866 views
Coaching Applications Being Accepted
Coaching Applications for the 2019/20 season are being accepted starting today (April 1st, 2019). Please complete the application listed at the top of the page under Coaching/Staff Application.

Head Coach applications are only being accepted (at this time) until April 14th, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

Applications are required from anyone who is interested in being on a bench this season including managers, trainers, assistant coaches, time keepers and on ice volunteers. The application will remain open until December 15th, but Head Coaches will only be contacted if they apply in the time limits noted above.

Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!