Registration is Open, News (Lakefield Minor Hockey)

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Apr 01, 2019 | Tanya Dunford | 970 views
Registration is Open
Registration for the 2019/20 hockey season in Lakefield is now open.

Register for the 2019/20 Season!

There will be in-person registrations again this year if you'd prefer not to sign up online.

In accordance with our by-laws, preference will be given to returning players who sign up for the season prior to July 1st.

By-law 1, s. 2:
Preference for player membership shall be given to returning LDMHA players, provided that they register prior to the expiry of the Early Bird Registration Date. After the Early Bird Registration Date, player membership shall be based on date and time the registration is received. (Eg. “First-come, first-served”.) A returning player shall be any player on a Lakefield roster in the preceding year. If a player left the LDMHA to play in a division or level of hockey that was not offered in the LDMHA, then the player must have been registered on a Lakefield team immediately prior to the year that the player left to be considered a returning player. 
Lakefield Dentistry
Thank you, Lakefield Dentistry for sponsoring Lakefield Minor Hockey!